Prof. Ian Beck
I am a twice-exceptional (2e) learner who grew up before such things existed. At 25, I was working towards a PhD in mathematics at UCLA and was asked to be a volunteer coach for my sisters rec-basketball team. At first I was going to turn it down, but they really needed someone and so I did what any nerd would do – read about twenty books on coaching basketball. I never really set out to be a teacher (and certainly not a coach), but that was a turning point in my life because I realized I was really good at working with kids and helping each one reach their potential.
As an educator, my priority has been to increase opportunities for gifted students. So often now, these students are taken for granted and ignored. I do my best to see each student as an individual and figure out how they can best grow. I have two very different 2e children who I homeschool because I just feel they would be lost in the local schools.
Ian Beck does not like to talk about himself (and it is even weirder in the third person) but he would like you to know he has a Masters of Science in Mathematics. He spent ten years teaching at a local high school where he started an Academic Decathlon team. That team went on to win numerous state championships.
More recently, Ian has been teaching community college. He is on the board for the Tennessee State Science Olympiad and runs both elementary and secondary competitions at his institution. He is also involved in providing access to the American Mathematics Exams to local kids who are gifted in mathematics.
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