Delightful Documentary Discovery

    Free social opportunity for all students.

    “Here’s how I watch nature documentaries with my friends and family: I entirely narrate over them. (My most patient family members will even allow me to pause the documentary to explain in detail what’s going on–my uncle and I once made it through about five minutes of a documentary in just half an hour! He asks excellent questions.)

    In Delightful Documentary Discovery webinars, we’re much more efficient! We get together to watch a documentary, and students ask questions, answer questions, and make comments in the chat. We still get to make comments, but we also actually finish the documentary…!”
    ~ Prof. Emma



    Parents of current students, watch for a link in your email!

    Step 1: Register Your Student

    Step 2: Enroll Your Registered Student

      Delightful Documentary Discovery Webinars
      InstructorProf. Emma Stein
      Content LevelsGrades 3-4 • Elementary
      Grades 5-6 • Upper Elementary
      Grades 6-7 • Middle School
      Grades 7-8 • Junior High
      Grades 9-10 • Lower High School
      Grades 11-12 • Upper High School
      Live Webinars Held OnDays & Times Vary

      Join Prof. Emma and other documentary enthusiasts to watch some delightful documentaries together!

      Prof. Emma selects older documentaries (typically nature documentaries) that are available for free on the Internet for students to watch as a group. Students ask questions, share comments, and issue corrections in the chat while the documentary is playing!

      Not only do students learn a lot, it’s also a ton of fun! All current students are invited to join us.

      Note to Parents:

      • Each Delightful Documentary Discovery webinar requires a new permission form to be filled out, as each documentary is different.
      • Every effort is made to select documentaries that are appropriate for all audiences–however, they are still nature documentaries! Parents should ensure each documentary is appropriate for their student.

      Hosted by Prof. Emma Stein

      What to expect during the webinar:

      • The opportunity to connect with others while watching a documentary!

      Required books & materials:

      • Students should bring their excitement for the documentary they are about to watch!