Hangout Haven for Terrific Taskmates

    Free social opportunity for Dr. Kirsten's current and former students.

    “Connecting with others can offer so much support, even while working on different projects. Students in my classes are welcome to hang out with me and fellow taskmates whenever Hangout Haven for Terrific Taskmates is in session. (I will have my video on–student video feed is optional.)”
    ~ Dr. Kirsten

    Current students, sign up in Dr. Kirsten’s virtual office!



    ***This is a free social opportunity for Athena's students. Current students, sign up in Dr. Kirsten’s virtual office!***

    Step 1: Register Your Student

    Step 2: Enroll Your Registered Student

      Group of smiley faces for Dr. Kirsten's Group at Athena's Advanced Academy
      InstructorDr. Kirsten Stein
      Content LevelsGrades 6-7 • Middle School
      Grades 7-8 • Junior High
      Grades 9-10 • Lower High School
      Grades 11-12 • Upper High School
      Live Webinars Held OnThursdays, 2pm Pacific

      Come hang out with us! Dr. Kirsten’s students can hang out online in a webinar room with each other while working on projects (academic or otherwise). Hangouts provide students with an opportunity to chat and be productive together—Dr. Kirsten will be working on projects as well! 

      Just like all webinars at Athena’s, the session will be recorded. Unlike the others, in this “Hangout Haven for Terrific Taskmates (classmates + tasks = taskmates)” webinar, Dr. Kirsten will have her webcam on! 

      Join us for friendship and fun!

      Current students, sign up in Dr. Kirsten’s virtual office!

      Note to Parents:

        • This Hangout Session is free of charge.
        • Unlike our courses, virtual doors will open at the top of the hour, not earlier.
        • Students are welcome to keep their webcams off or turn them on as well. Student webcams may be turned on only with parental permission. It is up to the student’s parent to monitor webcam use.
        • Dr. Kirsten’s students are welcome to join the Hangouts any time during the school year, provided their parent signs a permission form.

      Hosted by Dr. Kirsten Stein


      What to expect during the webinar:

      • The opportunity to connect with others while working on tasks!

      Required books & materials:

      • Students should bring something to work on!