He Stole the Mona Lisa!
By Sirius P., Athena’s Student
Sirius is taking classes with Dr. Kirsten and would like to share this creative video!
Sirius says:
“In this video, check out how Vincenzo Peruggia, a patriotic handyman and mandolin teacher stole the Mona Lisa directly from the Louvre in 1911! The theft transformed the Mona Lisa from an obscure work of art to the 9 million dollar superstar that the painting is today. Then, it stood in a gallery with many other arguably more impressive paintings. Now, tourists flock to see it, all wanting a picture with Leonardo Davinci’s masterpiece.
This video was inspired by one of my favorite classes at Athena’s so far, the Story of Science [taught by Dr. Kirsten]. It’s fun to take a deep dive into the history of scientific achievements. This was made during the week we were talking about Leonardo Davinci. This video was especially fun to create since it involved a theft and…I made it as dramatic as possible.
Be sure to click the photo below to watch the video on How a Guy Stole the Mona Lisa and Made it Famous.”
Click on the photo below to see Sirius’s awesome video below. Amazing work, Sirius!