Course Tuition & Fees

    Athena’s offers enriching, interactive, à la carte online courses, coaching, & clubs.


    Each selection at Athena’s is priced separately based on length, instructor preference, and overall Athena’s pricing. Books and materials vary.

    • The cost is located on the individual description webpages.
    • The list price includes a non-refundable portion as described in our “What is your refund policy?” FAQ.
    • Books and materials necessary are located under the “Materials & More” tab on the individual description webpages.

    Additional Fees

    • Registration Fee: The Registration form requires a one-time, non-refundable $25.00 processing fee to cover the application & registration process. After the form is processed, you will receive login information for your student. Once your student is registered, they will be able to enroll in Athena’s courses. This is a one-time fee.
    • Specialized Receipt Request: Families who need a specialized receipt for reimbursement, beyond PayPal’s automatic receipt, should fill out the Athena’s Specialized Receipt Request Form.
      The Specialized Receipt Request form requires a non-refundable $5.00 processing fee.
    • Specialized Course Completion Report: Families who need a specialized report for documentation, beyond the Course Completion Certificate located in every Athena’s classroom, should fill out the Athena’s Specialized Course Completion Report Form.

      The Specialized Course Completion Report form requires a non-refundable $10.00 processing fee for a digital copy (emailed) -or- a non-refundable $20.00 processing fee for an Advanced Placement/AP® hard copy with a seal (folded & mailed).

      An additional fee is required for a mailed AP® hard copy with a seal that is not folded. Please contact us for that option.
    • Voucher Payment Method Only: If using a voucher or alternative payment method, parents of registered students complete the Pay by Voucher form located on our secure classroom website.

      Paying via an educational organization requires a $30.00 voucher enrollment fee to cover the extra paperwork and processing that comes with the Pay by Voucher process. A sibling discount is available for the Pay by Voucher process.

      Oftentimes, educational organizations cover this fee. Check with your educational organization to see if they cover enrollment/administration fees.

      Families facing financial hardship: Ask your school’s representative to contact us.

    • Non-Refundable Fees: Fees listed as non-refundable are non-refundable. Any funds not used by our team will be applied to our scholarship fund for families in need.